
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Interview with Barbara

Store Names and URL:
What are three of your favourite products? 
it's almost impossible to pick only 3!! I've picked three of my own
but love so many of everyone's I don't know where to start.

How did you find Zazzle?
Google and the Gods were with me!
How long have you been Zazzling?
Since Aug/11
What made you decide to open your own store? 
I jumped at a chance to use of some photographs that were moulding away in a corner of my dusty old computer closet.
What was your first sale?
For most each product or design they create is special. What is your most favourite design and why?
That changes from day to day...the most recent is usually my favorite 'til something new strikes my fancy.
What is your favourite aspect about Zazzle?
How much time do you devote to Zazzle daily/weekly?
I work another job full time part of the year so about an hour a day during those months and 24/7 the rest of the year.
What are three things everyone should know about you? 
I snore but I'm really adorable...just ask any of my exes. 
If you could purchase ANY item (of someone else’s) what would it be? Renoir's Moulin de la Galette... Why? because you said I could 

How much did you earn your first month?
zilch, nada, zip
How long after opening your store did you become a pro seller?
about a year I think...I started very slowly, adding a few items at a I add a hundred at a time thanks to my own templates and quick create.
Zazzle has helped many people meet goals that they otherwise wouldn’t have achieved. What has Zazzle helped you to achieve in your personal life? 
It's made retirement a realistic possibility in the near future...never thought I would see the day!
If you could give any piece of advice to a Zazzle newbie what would it be? 
Keep doing what you love...someone else will see the love that went into making it and love it too!

If you were an animal, what kind would you be and why? 
An elephant, for sure a big bumbling elephant (by the way I only weigh about 110lbs, so I'm probably having delusions of grandeur)....but anyway,they kind of bluster their way around, crashing into things but they are adorable too and probably snore like me
If you came across a puddle you would …
a) jump in it, viewers be *ed!
b) walk around it, these loafers be new!
c) stop for a moment, take a look around then remember you’re not any more … walk on and remember the good ol' days.
Oh, I'm definitely a puddle-jumper-inner. Us old people can do whatever we want and not give a darn who's watching. That's why we embarass our kids.Grin 
What would we find in your refrigerator right now? 
If you find anything, let me know, I'm kinda hungry
If you could trade places with anyone, real or fictional, alive or dead who would it be?
Superman...just to try a few flights around town and then back to me...I love being me but I'd love to be able to fly.
If Hollywood wanted to make a movie about you, who would you want to play the lead role? Why?
Me....I do a really good job of playing me...I might not be beautiful but it'll be kind of a comedy anyway so I'd fit the part
If someone wrote a book about you, what do you think the title should be?

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